Kristin & Joe's Love Train

So much of Kristin and Joe's life in Chicagoland revolved around the elevated train system that they decided to let the CTA chauffeur them to their wedding. I was invited along to videotape the ride.
I edited the piece using The Ojays' "Love Train" as the soundtrack, and that was the form I gave to the couple as a finished piece. But when I first posted the video to Matchbook Films, I went back and stripped out the music, feeling timid about copyrights. The quietness of what was left retained, it seemed to me at the time, a feeling of incompleteness.
Thus had I intended to post the original edit, rights issues be damned. But when I went back and watched both, it was the version without music that stood out as the better piece. Perhaps because I've been watching videoblogs of late, and have become accustomed to the rhythms and silences of "real", or, at least, less-mediated, life.
By the standards of this evolving medium, the original soundtrack was completely overbearing, and drowned out several opportunities for a viewer to discover some of the human moments I had managed to capture.
So once again: without.
Length: 3:03
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[Update: the musical soundtrack has not been removed; it has simply migrated to a position as the underscore for this late night taco run.]
i would have skipped this video if it had music all over it.
i dont know these people....but seeing life happen..silences and cool to watch.
i get to know these people a little.
i liked seeing people's reactions on the subway.
Hey. Thanks.
By the standards of a lot of videoblogs I've been watching this is still a bit brisk, perhaps.
I might play a bit with cutting to music, but then going back in without music and loosening things back up to (e.g. in this piece the station manager works hard to bring the balloons and the handmade sign as souvenirs, but his story is somewhat erased by the quick pace of the editing). At minimum cutting to a piece of music will help keep things under three minutes.
I'd like to keep things under three minutes.
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