Sunday, January 29, 2006

Story Time #2: A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again

At two years and one week old, the boy is perhaps* David Foster Wallace's youngest fan.

Length: 3:27

(Click here.)

*An assertion made without knowing whether DFW has himself a small niece/nephew/cousin or other small child in sufficient interrelational proximity to hold such a title, and by dint of actually knowing him a fan not of his work but of the man himself. Of course watching the video it will become clear to most viewers that the boy is arguably less so much a fan of DFW than of the work of the employee or contractor of Little, Brown responsible for the hardcover book design.

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Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Monkey Hear

In which dear friends Evie and Bryce swing the heck out of young Ben, and teach him a couple of new words in the process.

Length: 1:27

Flashless? (Click here.)


Thursday, January 12, 2006

Mirror III

In which the boy breaks one of the cardinal rules of videoblogging, as articulated by Josh Leo in a rant from last April.

The child development books we have don't have much to say about a toddler's interaction with a flip-out LCD viewfinder.

Length: 2:19

Flashless? (Click here.)

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Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Evie's Dancing Song

Our five-year-old friend Evie is a dancer and impresario, who often drafts her younger cousin Ema into her dining room dance performances. She is additionally aided by the concert pianist in the family, who writes custom musical accompaniments such as this one.*

What I find brilliant here is not just the spontaneity and exuberance of Evie's dancing, but Ema's total commitment to following along, despite having no idea what Evie is about to do next.

In my six years of improv comedy I can't claim to have ever matched it.

Length: 2:00

Click to view

*Music a family (c) copyright special, so ask before re-use.