Sunday, April 09, 2006



One proposed "theme" for Videoblogging Week 2006 was "Vlogging Dangerously," and a great number of participants took up the challenge, or at least used the idea as a launchpad for their creativity. In the small fraction of videos I've watched so far (criminy--make seven videos AND watch what everyone else is doing? I'm not made of time.) the theme has yet to strike a match. (I do quite like Zadi Diaz's multi-episode riff on secrets, but she got bogged down midweek after her stunning and complex mashup of news clips related to the Scooter Libby prosecution). I guess what I'm mostly noting at this point is the level of privilege enjoyed by videobloggers (yes, it's a democratic participatory medium, but the price of entry pretty nearly requires us to be digital landowners--computer, camera, high speed internet), and that from the place of comfort we inhabit, danger seems a pretty abstract term.

The exhortation to recognize the trap of comfort and to risk stepping outside of it I do take to heart, but it's not something I can really address in my life or my art in a single week, nor (I wonder) with a video camera in my hand.

So in the meantime danger (and cute) seekers will have settle for this: a pre-pottytrained toddler running around the house without his diaper on.

Length: 1:34

This is the seventh of seven videos I'll be posting this week as part of Videoblogging Week 2006.

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Blogger Unknown said...

What I absolutly loved about this video, is your "frank" convestion that you are ruining your son's "cred"......that and the sheer joy he seemed to have at being be that yound again......

9:57 AM PDT  
Blogger cjereneta said...

I mentioned in the post that we'd kept him from running about naked for a while after he began to develop habitual peeing spots around the house.

This was the first time we'd let him "fly free" in nearly two months.

11:10 AM PDT  
Blogger missbhavens said...


He's having a grand ol' time of it, isn't he! I love him running up to the stove (is that the stove?) and jumping up and down at his reflection. It's also a scream that one of his favorite early vocabulary words seems to be "naked".

Too cute.

1:44 PM PDT  
Blogger cjereneta said...

That's the stove all right. These days it's become his mirror of choice.

9:33 AM PDT  
Blogger Matty Lau said...

"I am neked! Hear me roar!
...and gurgle, and go numnum."

12:12 PM PDT  

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