
One proposed "theme" for Videoblogging Week 2006 was "Vlogging Dangerously," and a great number of participants took up the challenge, or at least used the idea as a launchpad for their creativity. In the small fraction of videos I've watched so far (criminy--make seven videos AND watch what everyone else is doing? I'm not made of time.) the theme has yet to strike a match. (I do quite like Zadi Diaz's multi-episode riff on secrets, but she got bogged down midweek after her stunning and complex mashup of news clips related to the Scooter Libby prosecution). I guess what I'm mostly noting at this point is the level of privilege enjoyed by videobloggers (yes, it's a democratic participatory medium, but the price of entry pretty nearly requires us to be digital landowners--computer, camera, high speed internet), and that from the place of comfort we inhabit, danger seems a pretty abstract term.
The exhortation to recognize the trap of comfort and to risk stepping outside of it I do take to heart, but it's not something I can really address in my life or my art in a single week, nor (I wonder) with a video camera in my hand.
So in the meantime danger (and cute) seekers will have settle for this: a pre-pottytrained toddler running around the house without his diaper on.
Length: 1:34
This is the seventh of seven videos I'll be posting this week as part of Videoblogging Week 2006.
Labels: the boy, videobloggingweek2006
What I absolutly loved about this video, is your "frank" convestion that you are ruining your son's "cred"......that and the sheer joy he seemed to have at being be that yound again......
I mentioned in the post that we'd kept him from running about naked for a while after he began to develop habitual peeing spots around the house.
This was the first time we'd let him "fly free" in nearly two months.
He's having a grand ol' time of it, isn't he! I love him running up to the stove (is that the stove?) and jumping up and down at his reflection. It's also a scream that one of his favorite early vocabulary words seems to be "naked".
Too cute.
That's the stove all right. These days it's become his mirror of choice.
"I am neked! Hear me roar!
...and gurgle, and go numnum."
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