Monday, March 31, 2008

Dark-Eyed Susanna

Flashless? (Click to view.)

Length: 3:42

Been tweaking this thing for hours in the attempt to disquise my occasionally off key singing and the fact that I recorded it with terrible microphones (the Xacti HD and PowerBook G4 internals, to be precise).

Decided to call it quits, went back and (mostly) de-effected it. The vocal and banjo overdubs remain, but the instrumental break is sans solo.

I used to perform music live, but I'm desperately out of practice.

I'll stand by the song, though. Poor white steamboat worker from the wrong side of the river falls for middle-class mulatto city girl, circa 1861. (Historical language in effect.)

Feel free to drop me a line if you'd like to know why a Gen X California Hapa would be writing a song like this in the first place.

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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Dance Party

Flashless? (Click to view.)

Length: 1:41

"100 Years in Cinema" is the title card slogan for the collaborative movie clip party I host each year with friends.

Lately it's become a favorite of the boy's when we watch old Matchbook Films videos in the kitchen via Front Row. The fast-paced onscreen action and the Chemical Brothers beats make a compelling argument for a dance party of one.

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Friday, March 28, 2008

Location 3

(Click to view.)

Length: 0:51

Earlier this month I hosted a photo scavenger hunt in downtown San Francisco. One of the items on the list steered teams to this video on YouTube. The style is old-school vlog with a pretty basic GarageBand underlay, but since I've not made one like this before I thought I'd share it here.

There are a couple of other videos I've made this year in other contexts that I should maybe post for Semanal 08. Since I'm so far behind....


Friday, March 14, 2008

Bubble Gun

Flashless? (Click to view.)

Length: 0:42

A pantsless summer moment in MN.

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Saturday, March 01, 2008


Flashless? (Click to view.)

Length: 0:38

This week the boy discovered the falling baker from the early years of Sesame Street. He's learning well.

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