Saturday, August 13, 2005

Living Room Recordings #008: Goodbye, My Honey, I'm Gone / Ducks on the Millpond

Two tunes and a bit of discussion about talking while fiddling. From my evening with Barbara Hansen (fiddle, ADAE) and Maggie Brunjes (banjo, aDADE).

Barbara acquired "Goodbye, My Honey" from Bill Conley, via Rounder's Traditional Fiddle Music of the Ozarks, Volume III: Down in the Border Countries. On the recording the guitarist accompanying Conley plays a distinct B minor chord under the F# note at the middle of the B part of the tune, but at the time this video was shot both Barb and Maggie had reached the sixth stage of old-time music obsession, in which minor chords are to be disdained.

(Sadly, many fine old-time musicians never recover from this stage.)

"Ducks on the Millpond" I know primarily from recordings of Tommy Jarrell. Barbara's phrasing is different enough that she probably learned it from a secondary source, possibly Rayna Gellert's first CD. I doubt she remembers at this point.

Length: 3:47

Flashless? (Click here.)

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Blogger Robert J. Vitello said...

Thank you for once again letting us into your living room to hear that good old time music. A special thanks this time for also letting us into your heads, as you converse about the work. Absolutely great!

4:17 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good sound quality, but the scene was a "chair with a piece of paper"
and then a "fiddle player".

The camera was pointed towards the light, thus all was dark for the viewer.

Always place the light behind the camera lens on a digital camera.

Cutter Man

2:16 PM PDT  
Blogger cjereneta said...

It's a fair concern, since I'm working on a Mac and have not attempted to compensate for the gamma difference on PCs (Cutter Man, if you are on a Mac you need to recalibrate your display.)

But speaking as someone who spent 3/4 of his undergraduate film/television years using tube cameras (and who once attempted to shoot a project entirely by candlelight), I'm happy to point a CCD at a light source any day of the week.

9:49 AM PDT  
Blogger Doug said...

I'm not sure what all the concern about the visual content of this vlog is. This is afterall a vlog and not a studio piece. I love the music!!! If you check out my vlog you will see I use a lot of bluegrass in my videos. I wish I could play a musical instrument (besides the jews harp).

2:07 PM PDT  

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